2021 SPS Virtual Conference

September 18-19, 2021
Brought to you in virtual format


WP FORM FOR: Maala Bhatt, MD, MSc, FRCPC
If you are not Maala Bhatt, MD, MSc, FRCPC click here | Return to Faculty Forms.

Contact Information

Required fields are marked with an "*".

Name: Maala Bhatt, MD, MSc, FRCPC
Academic Title:
Academic Institution:
Academic Institution City/State:
Clinical Position:*
Practicing Institution/Hospital of Practice:*
Preferred Mailing Address:*
Phone Number:
Fax Number:
E-mail Address:*
Admin Assistant Name:
Admin Assistant Phone:
Willingness To Participate/Adherence To Deadlines

I have read the Willingness to Participate information below. These assignments have been made as a result of an invitation to perform the duties as a faculty member for the above-captioned meeting.

Please indicate your participation in the following lectures, workshops, case discussions, and/or as moderator as outlined in the lecture schedule.

Participation Date   Lecture Title
I am pleased to participate in all lectures, workshops, case discussions, and/or as moderator as outlined in the lecture schedule.

Sun, Sep 19, 2021  Ask the Experts: Turning an Idea into a Publication

I agree to adhere to all deadlines outlined in my faculty letter/email.